Jean-Luc Bawidamann
Sonnhalde 2, 2502 Biel / Bienne
Tel. +41 (0) 32 341 4054
Pranavision (at) gmx.ch
- Vital Force Applications
- Harmonization of the working, living and living environment
- Harmonization of vehicles, mobile phones and machines
- TensCam application
Additional offer
- Integrated Feng Shui
- Reconnective Healing, Reconnection
- Oneness Deeksha
Hanny Heimberg
Roggenweg 1, 3612 Steffisburg
Tel. +41 (0) 33 453 0330
Mobile +41 (0) 76 308 03 92
- Pulsor consultations u. Therapy (vortex energy therapy)
- Vital Force Applications
- Harmonization of the working, living and living environment
- Harmonization of vehicles, mobile phones and machines
- Tenscam application
Additional offer
- Foot reflex zone therapy
Anne Mauch Schneider, alternative practitioner
- Bioresonance (test and therapy)
- Biological treatments
- Vital Force Test and Therapy
- Tens Cam Therapy
- Hypnotherapy, UltraHealing
Additional offer
- Pulsor consultations u. Therapy (vortex energy therapy)
- Harmonization of the working, living and living environment
- Harmonization of vehicles, mobile phones and machines
- Magnetic resonance therapy
- Clark Therapy
- Metabolic Balance
Practice for bioenergetic holistic therapy
Helga Dobrowolski Andres
Schützenstrasse 11, 4553 Derendingen
Tel./Fax: +41 (0) 32 622 27 12
dobrowolski-andres (at) gmx.ch
- Pulsor Consulting u. Therapy (vortex energy therapy)
- Vital Force application
- Harmonization of the working, living and living environment
- Harmonization of vehicle, cell phone, etc. Machines
Additional offer
- Naturopathic Practices
- Body-oriented psychotherapy
- Matrix Energetics
- Access bars
Ruth Gygax – Practice for Bioenergy
Muldenstrasse 11, 5000 Aarau
Tel./Fax +41 (0) 62 822 91 81
hrgygax (at) bluewin.ch
- Pulsor consultations u. Therapy (vortex energy therapy)
- Harmonization of the working, living and living environment
- Harmonization of vehicle, cell phone, etc. Machines
- Tenscam application! Please click here for more information!
Additional offer
- Testing of deficiency symptoms: physiological, psychological, energetic
- Treatment with homeopathy a. Energy medicine
- Food supplements
- Schüssler minerals
- Foot reflexology massage
- Pendulum courses for beginners and advanced learners
Vreni Enz
Lättenstraße 50, 5332 Rekingen
+41 (0) 56 249 34 87
- Pulsor consultations u. Therapy (vortex energy therapy)
- Vital Force Applications
- Harmonization of the working, living and living environment
- Harmonization of vehicles, mobile phones and machines
- Tenscam application
Additional offer
- HWS Bioenergetic Informatics
Sarah Barmettler
Hochbühlstrasse 3
6003 Lucerne
Mobile: +41 (0) 79 413 96 52
- Vital Force Applications
- Harmonization of the working, living and living environment
- Harmonization of vehicles, mobile phones and machines
Additional offer
- Food supplements from AllVital
- Systemic advice and energy work
- Constellation work
- Media advice
- Metaphysical house cleaning
- Breathing work individually u. in groups
- Seminar for meditation a. Perception training
Monika Delacroix
Health Promotion Practice
Hertensteinstrasse 41
6004 Lucerne
Tel: 041 370 54 59
Ruth Arnold
Pannerhofstrasse 6
6353 Weggis
Tel. +41 (0) 41 281 32 31
rukla.arnold (at) bluewin.ch
- Harmonization of the working, living and living environment
- Harmonization of vehicles, mobile phones and machines
Additional offer
- Sound therapy with the monochord sound bed
- Advice Kinaesthetics Infant Handling
Vreni Wehrli
Segantinistrasse 215, 8049 Zurich
Tel. +41 (0) 44 341 23 68
vwehrli (at) 2wire.ch
- Pulsor consultations u. Therapy (vortex energy therapy)
- Vital Force Applications
- Harmonization of the working, living and living environment
- Harmonization of vehicles, mobile phones and machines
- Tenscam application
Additional offer
- Informative bioenergetics
- Metamorphosis
Christian Frei
Alpenstrasse 26, 8200 Schaffhausen
Tel .: +41 (0) 52 625 03 94
christianfrei (at) astronet.ch
- Pulsor consultations u. Therapy (vortex energy therapy)
- Vital Force Applications
- Harmonization of the working, living and living environment
- Harmonization of vehicles, mobile phones and machines
Additional offer
- Astrological consultations
Annerose Dietz
Keltenweg 7 – 8264 Eschenz
Tel .: +41 (0) 52 740 30 55
Mobile: +41 (0) 79 754 38 18
annerose.dietz (at) bluewin.ch
- Pulsor consultations u. Therapy (vortex energy therapy)
Additional offer
- Metamorphosis
- Foot reflex zone massage
Kaspar Schneider
Zentralstrasse 22, 8400 Winterthur
Tel .: +41 (0) 52 202 23 36
Fax: +41 (0) 52 202 23 35
kaspar.schneider (at) bluewin.ch
- Vital Force Applications
- Harmonization of the working, living and living environment
- Harmonization of vehicles, mobile phones and machines
Additional offer
- Health advice
Max Idda e-smog harmonization
Erlenweg 7, 8804 Au
Tel. +41 (0) 44 781 27 32
Mobile: +41 (0) 79 372 43 43
maxidda (at) swissonline.ch
- Pulsor consultations u. Therapy (vortex energy therapy)
- Harmonization of the working, living and living environment
- Harmonization of vehicles, mobile phones and machines
Additional offer
- Remote Healing
Health advice Sonnenberg
Anne Mauch
Im Obstgarten 2B, 9508 Weingarten
Tel .: +41 (0) 52 366 33 14
anne.mauch (at) bluewin.ch
- Pulsor consultations u. Therapy (vortex energy therapy)
- Vital Force Applications
- Harmonization of the working, living and living environment
- Harmonization of vehicles, mobile phones and machines
Additional offer
- Life counseling
- medical advice
- Foot reflex zone massage
- Magnetic resonance therapy
- Dr. Clark Therapy
- Reiki
Doris Hefti
Doris Hefti
Aroma Medicine Health Center,
Psychotraumatology and Complementary Medicine
Rigiweg 17a
CH-6343 wooden houses
Practice: +41 (0) 41 790 28 28
Mobile: +41 (0) 79 830 01 65
Email: d.hefti (at) aromaveda.ch
Site / Webshop: www.aromaveda.ch
- Psychotraumatological therapy
- HPU therapy
- Biophoton Therapy
- Hypnotherapy
- Holistic advice on electrosmog sensitivity
- Harmonization of the working, living and living environment
Martin Schaufelberger
Martin Schaufelberger
Environmental advisor
In Rigi 29
8636 forest
Phone: +41 55 246 19 62
Mobile: +41 79 421 38 23
Email: martin.schaufelberger (at) bio-energy.ch
- Advice on earth radiation
- Advice on electrosmog
- Advice on the subject of light
- Advice on air and water
- Harmonization of the working, living and living environment
- Harmonization of vehicles, mobile phones and machines
- Pulsor advice (vortex energy method)
Additional offer
- Remote consultations (phone / Skype) on the subject:
- Shine
- Electrosmog
Lectures on the topic:
- Earth rays, once we humans were nomads and not settled in one place. today
we are only on the move between home, workplace and shopping and leisure centers, and that
Nomad life only returns when we travel as tourists on vacation. - Electrosmog, what is electrosmog and why is this topic becoming more and more important
- Light, why we need good light and bad light makes us sick
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